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BAM Cornhole

Offical Rules

Court Layout:

Spring Cornhole League Diagram Sharred Toss Cornhole League Diagram

How to play:


  • 1 set of cornhole boards will be set up per match.
  • 2 team members from each team will pair up with 2 members of the opposing team on the same side of the board with the other half of the teams mirrored across the court (see diagram). 
  • Teams should stand on the same side of the board, and face each other. 
  • Team members will take turns throwing bags on each side. Two bags tossed per player during one turn. 


  • All 8 cornhole bags begin at one end. 
  • A coin toss, or rock, paper, scissors, determines which team goes first.  
  • A cornhole player may through from anywhere behind the front of the board they are throwing from. 
  • The game continues by alternating throws between the two opponent players until all 8 cornhole bags have been thrown. 
  • This league is NON-DEDUCTION SCORING, this means every legal bag counts towards the final score. 


  • Games are played to 21 or more points (no bust). 
  • Non-deduction scoring. All scoring bags are counted each round. 
  • The score is taken after all cornhole bags have been thrown for a round. 
  • Points will be given as follows:
    •  3 points for a cornhole bag that goes through the hole.
    • 1 point for a cornhole bag that is on the playing surface. 
    • 0 points for a cornhole bag that is on the ground.
  • The winning team will submit the final game score online. 
  • If you can’t make it and have to forfeit a match, the opposing team will get an automatic win with 21 points and the forfeiting team will get 0 points.